Artist's Corner
The journey of Naruto Uzumaki from a mischievous, ostracized boy to the hero of the Hidden Leaf Village has captivated millions worldwide. While the original Naruto series laid the foundation, it was Naruto Shippuden that truly elevated the story, delivering...
In the realm of comics, few rivalries are as legendary as that between Venom and Carnage. These two symbiotic antiheroes have captivated fans with their dark allure and chaotic nature. As Marvel's most notorious extraterrestrial symbiotes, Venom and Carnage have...
In the ever-expanding universe of Marvel, few groups have captured the imagination quite like the X-Men. With their diverse powers, complex characters, and timeless themes of acceptance and belonging, the X-Men have long been fan favorites in comics, movies, and...
Dive into the enigmatic world of Moon Knight, Marvel's dark and mysterious vigilante, with Nerd Arena! Born from the creative minds of Doug Moench and Don Perlin, Moon Knight made his debut in "Werewolf by Night" #32 in 1975. Since...
Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth, is back for another wild ride in Deadpool 3, promising fans another round of irreverent humor, action-packed thrills, and fourth-wall-breaking antics. As one of Marvel's most unconventional and beloved characters, Deadpool has carved out...
Aryan Thakur is an action figure collector, artist and an amateur cosplayer. He is fresh out of high-school, but already knows where his heart lies! He is an avid MARVEL, STAR WARS, Harry Potter an Stranger things (at the very least) fan and is passionate